
I Heart Amy Butler

I have a confession to make.  A confession I would assume most sewists/sewers (which one is grammatically correct?) can attest to.  I am head over heals in love with Amy Butler.  Well not with Amy Butler herself - I know nothing about her - but her fabrics and her patterns.  When looking for inspiration - I browse her site admiring the amazing colours and designs.  I then find myself on Esty.  I then immediately get depressed because I can't afford such beautiful fabric.  Damn you Amy Butler and your great fabric at ridiculous prices. And damn you Fabric Land for not selling her products in your stores so I could at least get 25% off.  

Well - for my upcoming 30th 21st birthday I am going to treat myself to this pattern:

Apparently I have a new obsession - bags! Since I conquered my first bag it's all I can think about.  Every occasion calls for a bag and why not a NEW bag?  You always need a bag. Especially in Toronto where you are required to pay 5 cents for a plastic one. Anyhow -  I am in the works of planning a three week South East Asian (S.E.A) getaway next month and am definitely going to need a large bag to tote around my things. This bag will also require being big enough to hold my daily shopping finds.  Not that I have that kind of problem - you just never know when you are going to find something great. What a perfect time to A) buy a new pattern B) sew a new bag and most importantly C) shop for new fabric.  The thought of all this gives me goosebumps.

The only problem - fabric choices.  From what I can see on the website this bag requires three coordinating fabrics.  Troi Oi (equivalent to OMG)! I have a hard enough time finding two coordinating fabrics let alone three that go together.  Luckily the sellers on Etsy have done most of the footwork for me.  

Idea #1
I really like the light blue/grey combination.  For the lining I would most likely choose a solid fabric in either blue or the greenie gold colour of the flower.  I really think this would make a beautiful bag - but I do worry about how dirty it would get in three weeks travelling around S.E.A.
Idea # 2
I love the green colour on both these fabrics.  I especially love the dark brown.  For the lining I would use a solid gold colour to match the flowers or perhaps a solid pink to make it a little more girlie? The brown definitely wouldn't show as much dirt but it's not as pretty as the first fabric combo.  Although this fabric would match my outfits better (not that I have them pre-planned or anything).

Idea #3
Now this fabric is exquisite, don't you think?  It's probably because it's dark.  I love dark clothing. So I defintely see matching potential with this fabric.  This fabric could also be matched with idea number 1 - double bonus.

Do you now understand my dilemma?  Too many choices and too little money.  Please help me!

1 comment:

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

I love them all but the second one is my fave. Just sayin'