
Stolen Fabric + One Broken Needle = One Awesome Bag

I did it!!  I sewed my first bag.  And I followed the pattern to the T.  Impressed? You'd better be. 

I used this Simplicity 2685 pattern I bought a few months back


since I needed a new gym bag (the ones I use are disgraceful and are not meant for the gym) for my new and improved athletic lifestyle.  The only problem - I could never find the right fabric.  Until - Fabric Lands most recent Members only 50% off day.  I was eying up some pretty nice blue-green fabric when a lady notices me.  She then proceeds to hand me a bolt of this beautiful fabric (well at least I think it's beautiful)

Regularly $10 a metre - now only $5 pretty sweet deal.  I oh and aw at it the nice pattern and colours with the lady and she then tells me that she bought a few metres a few weeks ago and made an apron for her mother.  Suddenly I have to have an apron made with this fabric - it's only fair.  The lady is now looking at other fabric and I start to walk away in search of coordinating fabrics.  Suddenly I hear "Oh miss I wasn't giving that to you - I was just showing it to you" I respond "Oh were you going to buy it all?  I can give the bolt back to you after I get some cut".  This seems to be ok with her.  As we are in line I start to think about the other great things I can create with this fabric.  Trust me this is not normal - I can spend nearly 3 hours in a fabric store and leave empty handed.  Indecisiveness usually gets the best of me.  So this was indeed an exciting and momentous event.  Without hesitation I tell the cutter lady "Three metres please!"  I then realize the bolt looks pretty empty.  I turn and ask her how much she plans to purchase at this point fully expecting a brawl to break out between me an this lady but the cutter lady intervenes and says there is 6 metres left - phew.  I then tell the lady we can split it - because apparently I now OWN this fabric. Fair right?  I think so.

With my desperate need to look cool at the gym I finally had an opportunity to bust it out.  And I did.  And I created this masterpiece. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

The pattern was pretty simple.  Perhaps that's why they named their company Simplicity?!   I did run into a few problems wrapping my brain around how to put the lining in at the end - but with some logic I finally figured it out. Oh and there is also an inside zippered pocket that I adore and I feel completely accomplished that I was able to get it in one go.  OK! That's not true.  I completely broke my needle the moment I tried to sew in the Zipper.  But after the changing of needles - we were back in business. Go Emily!


I do plan to purchase a button or two to embellish it at some point- but it still looks pretty awesome without it, don't you think?  I'm not sure my gym shoes will fit in it without some effort - but I will make them fit.